A few weeks ago, I was requested to put a special show together to honor our Veterans, to thank those who can never be thanked enough, In these strange divided times, as an entertainer, I must set the tone. Certainly, this is not a time for vague patriotic gestures, nor is a celebration of all our veterans a time for political side-taking. Not that I don’t have opinions. How could any of us not? But this show is not the time. We all will gather to thank the veterans, in the moment, together. Live entertainment is of the moment, fleeting, and then gone. I acknowledge that moment, the gathering, the mission, in the most present of tenses. And love. For that is, above all, what I do as a performer. I love. I want my audience to feel loved, without concern of returning it. The gift to me is that they receive it. Because I have the privilege if giving something I really feel in the moment. The love of those sharing our present moment. It’s that simple.
But these are not simple times. Hearts could use some lightening.
There’s a process to building a show. The songs are worked for weeks, each as a stepping stone to the next in the journey. I’ve so many things to express to those who have served in the Armed Forces. Don’t you? It is a privilege and honor that I get a chance now and then to do so through music and whatever silly happiness I can bring.
I am the mother of a retired Navy SEAL, disabled during service to his country. I am also the fourth generation of my family to boost morales during troubled times. It is mine to do, and I have always felt that calling to my core. I doubt it is apparent. Nor do I need it to be. I am there to make people happy and lift hearts for a while, and it is up to me how I do so.
I am honoring our Veterans. This is not any show. The chosen theme is “As Time Goes By: A Celebration of Valor”.
Valor: the strength of mind to face danger with firmness. I’ve learn a lot about that through my loved ones who have served, and from a life not without some rather large challenges. It’s a favorite word of mine, valor. Really. I have my reasons.
I woke at 4 this morning. Not that unusual. What was unusual was the sparkling clarity I felt. There in the sparkles was the show, all I wanted to express in thanks, celebration, along with the fleeting fun, in my brief time with the Vets. I quickly wrote. I recorded. I sparkled.
I have a fun little bit of well-loved music, great musicians, and what’s in my heart. I have a lifetime on stage, and generations before me. This is not just another show. This is my thanks, to my core. As my mother did, my father, my grandmother, and great grandfather. It is mine to do. I shall bring happiness and fun, honor and thanks, to the families of those who have served. From my core. Come join me in this. Come, play with me. Come sparkle, feel loved, and have fun. And it’s free. It’s that simple.
As Time Goes By: A Celebration if Valor is presented by Silver Spring Town Center and the Montgomery County Commission of Veterans Affairs Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019, at the Silver Spring Civic Building, 6PM-9PM