Golly gee, we’re excited! My official debut with the full twenty member Imperial Palms Orchestra, featuring those adorable Coconuts! I do hope I get to celebrate with you at this majorly epic historic spectacular-spectacular event!

Here’s the backstory, if you feel like hangin ’round:

I’ve performed as bandleader plenty of times, but always as a unit substitute for when Doc was not available. My role was still that of singer, personality, supporting Doc’s leadership role. Now is a whole new chapter with the leadership, band identity, and creative control up to me. I am no longer a singer/producer, waving the stick now and then. I am no longer Doc’s creative partner. I am a bandleader, with all that entails. This is very exciting, but comes with a clown car of other emotions.

While we are so very happy we are on this new journey, with Doc beamingly proud of me, I have waves of hard moments, of missing our loving duets in the spotlight, or the luxury of demurring, leaving the frenetic elements to Doc. Now, I must break those habit, and command the three ring show that is the full Imperial Palms Orchestra. And now I am ready. And I wasn’t. just a few days ago, or thought I wasn’t.

Funny how nervous I was at my first show without Doc, last Thursday. I haven’t felt that way in years! It was our smaller six musician Imperial Palms, not the Orchestra, and the room was packed and lively all night. The Omni Shoreham was pleased. We all had a wonderful time. But I was unsure, not my usual polish. Except when singing the love songs, thinking of Doc. I had no idea what would happen, knowing how everyone would be sorely missing my talented husband, most of all me.

I had no idea my emotions would be so strong! I scolded myself, surprised that my usual uber-focus while performing kept wanting to focus on Doc. But the band congratulated me, and everyone had a fun night. Whew!

Now, the jitters are over! I’m ready! I have tested the waters in front of the most divine, supportive, charming, and loving friends a performer could dare dream of! They knew this was so very hard, in a very deep way, They cheered me on, and made it all okay. And now I can give my all.

We have a special history with The Carlyle Club. That’s another story. But this will be a VERY special moment at a VERY special place, and I hope to get to experience it with you. Not because I nervously need your support, but because you have filled my heart with your loving goodness and I have so much I want to give back! Sept 14th I am officially taking up the baton as leader of “Chou Chou and the Imperial Palms Orchestra”. Cue orchestra. Let the magic


For tickets: https://www.instantseats.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=buy.layoutSeatSelect&eventID=4072E45A-E2EF-90F2-793985F1754E3A10&packageEventID=