” I sent you a midi”, he says. It’s almost 4am and he knows I’m starting my day. “The song’s almost done”. He yawns, grabs my pillow, and shifts onto the warm spot I left. I slip my clothes on in the dark. He’ll soon be back asleep. He mangles the name of...
I’ve lost much sleep lately. I’m a band leader now. How do I define that? With Doc retired, I yearn to keep the legacy he created 35 years ago, the Imperial Palms Orchestra, alive. So I learn his songs, the conducting, some patter, and the rest, along with...
I admit to possessing a vigilance and predictable resourcefulness that stacks odds in favor of positive outcomes. I am cursed with the very same thing. I deep dive into that relentless whatever-it-takes-ness that can make overwork my default. I constantly need to be...
It all seemed to happen so fast! We assumed there would be time, maybe a lag in bookings, especially in late summer, to give me time to firmed up new routines. But the response has been startlingly, and I so want to please! Thank you, my amazingly wonderful friends!...
Welcome to Doc’s hangout. Doc will be sharing his passion for making fine musical instruments here, as well as stories from his years with the band, classic cars, music, movies, and maybe a joke or two that you’ve heard him tell a million times and will...